Centre de la protection internationale

Should I exhaust all effective domestic remedies before turning to the Centre?

It is recommended to turn to the Centre before exhausting all available domestic remedies as the Centre’s lawyers could assist the national lawyers to make effective use of such remedies, which is essential for the preparation of a successful ECHR and/or UNHRC application.

Can I turn to the Centre if the authorities violated my rights and I have found no redress at national level?

The Centre will be able to help you if rights and freedoms guaranteed by the European Convention on Human Rights or by ICCPR were violated.

Can I turn to the Centre after my ECHR application has been communicated to the respondent State?

Yes, the Centre provides legal assistance to victims whose applications have been communicated, as well as to those who plan to file an application with the European Court.

Does the Centre provide legal assistance in preparation of ECHR applications and/or other written or oral submissions free of charge?

Yes, the Centre provides free consultations and preparation of applications and other written or oral submissions on behalf of victims of human rights violations if they lack financial means.

Could NGOs turn to the Centre with request for legal assistance and partnership?

Yes, it is one of the priorities of the Centre to assist local NGOs in making effective use of international human rights mechanisms. We are open to cooperation with human rights NGOs worldwide.